Saturday, September 22, 2018

"Fake it till you make it."? Seriously???

Have you ever heard or used the phrase "Fake it till you make it."? It’s catchy isn’t it? Really easy to say because it rhymes. I think it supposed to be supportive, saying keep trying until you get there” but the words aren’t supportive, not really.

Although pep-talking yourself into smiling and walking tall will absolutely raise your energy and your mood (backed by science, by the way) a better, or more empowering use of words will go a long way to helping you change your whole mindset forever, not just for a moment, and much more quickly than the fake it thing.

I have very strong feelings about the word fake as applied to myself or anyone who is endeavoring to empower themselves to be more fully their own authentic self.

From the perspective of the collective unconscious and its social programming, saying the phrase is the same as saying you can't really do it and it's not really real and you're being deceitful… Just keep pretending and maybe it'll get real and maybe no one will notice that you have little belief in yourself and you're faking it.

It is, in reality, a very low-energy phrase which is attempting to say something along the lines of the following statements…

Act as if it is true until it becomes truth in fact

Act as if it is until it is

Be it until you see it. (This one also rhymes)

Practice it until it's a habit -or- Practice good habits 

I recommend using any combination of high-energy, empowering words you choose… Losing the low energy word "fake".  

All we are is already within us, when we stop pretending it isn't, then we become what we truly are, instead of trying to make ourselves be what we are not.

Just saying...

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