Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Circuses and Monkeys and Shifts… Oh my...

Heads up — if you notice that somebody who is usually mild-mannered & pleasant seems to be on a jag of whining, complaining and meanness, I believe that it is a typical pattern of behavior preceding a major thought shift and/or spiritual/mental/emotional transformation.

They're just kicking it up to the next level,

so give them a gold star...
 ...a round of applause

and, if you're a little over it, a real nice view of the back of you as you walk away from their negativity... even if only for a moment! 

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Fall Back to MORE LIGHT!!!

We have permission to live in more Light.

Sanctioned by most states and many countries, we turn our clocks so that there's more daylight.  More time to shine. More time to spread the love. More time to consciously enjoy the sun.  

If the Government says so, it must be true, right?

Well, at least find a way to the light of truth in your own mind.

Go ahead.  Why not?

Monday, March 2, 2015

My thoughts have turned into dust bunnies!

I've been actually having a rough day today… Constantly dropping my thoughts on my way to fulfill a task…

Often, I had to go back to where I first had the thought and pick it up, put it in my pocket and take it with me so I could complete what I had to do.  Sometimes this worked... sometimes not.

There's lots of thoughts cluttering up my house right now, having been dropped on the way to another room and when I went back I couldn't find them again...

Now I'm in the process is taking a dustpan 
and picking them all up...                                               Although, I really might actually
need a front loader for that…

By the end of the week, if I'm lucky, 
I should have all my thoughts back in my head 
where they belong... 

Friday, February 6, 2015

Really?!? This is how you want to fritter away your power*?

You know, one of the choices we have in life is to in how we perceive the information that comes to us… 

We can choose to have compassion for the person speaking to us and allow for the possibility that maybe they didn't mean what they said the way that it sounded to us. If it is someone we know, then it behooves us to go talk to them about it. If it is someone we do not know, then it is much happier to err on the side of compassion and understanding than to be angry because we chose to be offended by their words. Seriously, take control of your own feelings and don't blame how you feel on what someone else said or did. Your feelings are the result of your reactions to what you hear and see...  

No one can make you feel anything you're not already feeling deep within yourself. 

I want to ask everybody to please, first of all, stop giving your power* away to everybody else! Second of all, stop blaming everybody else for your reactions, because your reactions are coming from your own mental and emotional baggage! (mine is Samsonite, what's yours?)

Do you want to be happy? If your answer to that question is yes, then, for heaven's sake, let go of holding onto grudges and blaming and all of that kind of crappy thinking.

*Power = (including, and not limited to) energy, peace of mind, thoughts, time, emotional stability, integrity, mental well-being, happiness and or JOY

Sunday, February 1, 2015

That DEADLY water...

I hear people say" I don't like water." Or they say "Can I just drink Coke/Pepsi or iced tea?" The whole point of drinking water to hydrate. Cola and ice tea, and other things like that, contain caffeine. Oh, guess what?  Do you know that caffeine is a diuretic?  Do you know what a diuretic does? It removes water from your body… Duh, people! 

Water is LIFE!!!

No wonder health insurance is so expensive…

Monday, January 26, 2015

Dehydrated & Undernourished Brains Malfunction!

Most people are walking around being vitamin deficient and dehydrated, No wonder their brains are not working right... A brain needs to be fed and watered properly and regularly!

How can someone possibly expect to be all they can be, to be the clearest and happiest and brightest it is possible for them to be if they do not care for their absolutely fabulous and wonderful central processing unit to the best of their ability? 
Junk food & caffeine are NOT brain food!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

It's all about Perspective… 'bout Perspective… 'bout Perspective…

A person's individual view of the world determines their personal experience of the world… 

If one looked through a gray stained-glass window one would see a world that is various depths of gray, apparently lifeless… 

It is the same when someone looks through their own negative filters; they will see a world that is various depths of negative, apparently loveless… 

Sometimes what it takes is some determination, Windex and elbow grease…

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Are we there yet?

People ask "where am I supposed to go, where am I supposed to be, what am I supposed to do, who am I?" 

If they would just stop asking 'why' questions and start 'Being' the answer, they would know if they are there or not... 

If they are not there, they are not there, and they have a bit more 'Being' to do before they will get there.