Monday, December 10, 2018

Letting go of fear and embracing hope...

I wanted to write something uplifting and encouraging in light of this year’s events… And all I can say is that we can and will continue to hold the Light, keep our spirits up, look for the good, grab hold of the Joy and hang on for all we’re worth. However, on top of all of that, or actually underneath all of that, is the fear

Many are afraid of the men we have in power over us right now in our country. Many, like me, grew up with a man, or men, wielding power over us and enforcing that power with
fists, death threats and mental, emotional, spiritual and even sexual abuses… controlling through fear...

I grew up with a man very much like Mr. Trump. A strangely charismatic bully, a verbal abuser, disrespectful of not only women but of all other people who were not him. Someone who believed he was superior to all others and therefore above the law... 

We are afraid, yes... however my intuition keeps telling me that all will be well in the end, so I rise above this moment of fear and embrace hope, knowing that my intuition has proven itself trustworthy many times before now.
So, letting go of fear and embracing hope through “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
Yep, it will be a s***-storm, then in the end, if we can but hold the Light and hang onto Hope with a higher perspective, all will be well.


The perfect image is from this interesting site  -

Sunday, November 4, 2018

A call to action for all Light Workers!

This is a call to action! 

This is what we all need to do right now!

Keep spreading the light, 
because that is the only way to help to shift the world… 

We can do our best to be at our highest possible vibration (some days are easier than others :-)) and affect the lower energies that are out there… 

Always remember that the low energies may get more press than the higher energies because they sell more papers/antacids/booze (so to speak). However, the higher vibrations are actually more abundant and stronger than the lower vibrations, just quieter and more subtle.

Visit the image home site for more information

We are in a phase of intense vibrational shift… All people, all over the world, and the earth herself. During this phase things are seeming like they’re pretty crazy and I just help myself get through it by comparing it to putting a dirty piece of jewelry in a sonic cleaner — a lot of junk gets shaken off and falls away in the process.

In Joyful, Loving Gratitude, Namaste 

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

The Spirituality of Velcro…

Some think that the only way to keep their buttons from being pushed is to switch to Velcro!

Caveat: Just always remember that Velcro will snag way more than buttons, especially the soft places.

Maybe it’s just the better to stick with the buttons and learn how to disengage the trigger reactions, eh?


Saturday, September 22, 2018

"Fake it till you make it."? Seriously???

Have you ever heard or used the phrase "Fake it till you make it."? It’s catchy isn’t it? Really easy to say because it rhymes. I think it supposed to be supportive, saying keep trying until you get there” but the words aren’t supportive, not really.

Although pep-talking yourself into smiling and walking tall will absolutely raise your energy and your mood (backed by science, by the way) a better, or more empowering use of words will go a long way to helping you change your whole mindset forever, not just for a moment, and much more quickly than the fake it thing.

I have very strong feelings about the word fake as applied to myself or anyone who is endeavoring to empower themselves to be more fully their own authentic self.

From the perspective of the collective unconscious and its social programming, saying the phrase is the same as saying you can't really do it and it's not really real and you're being deceitful… Just keep pretending and maybe it'll get real and maybe no one will notice that you have little belief in yourself and you're faking it.

It is, in reality, a very low-energy phrase which is attempting to say something along the lines of the following statements…

Act as if it is true until it becomes truth in fact

Act as if it is until it is

Be it until you see it. (This one also rhymes)

Practice it until it's a habit -or- Practice good habits 

I recommend using any combination of high-energy, empowering words you choose… Losing the low energy word "fake".  

All we are is already within us, when we stop pretending it isn't, then we become what we truly are, instead of trying to make ourselves be what we are not.

Just saying...

Saturday, August 25, 2018

We choose the quality and the content of our own life and create our own personal landscape

Through taking responsibility for our life, in owning that we are the creators of our life, and recognizing that whatever our parents did or didn't do for us, it is up to us to make it into the life we want, we are empowering ourselves for wholeness.

We must do this with compassion for ourselves and others, without blame or shame. Knowing that if our life and inner landscape are not what we want them to be, we have the power within ourselves to make it different.  Accepting ourselves as we are, where we are, is the first step in embracing and empowering our own life.

We must do this for ourselves first, because it is through this personal empowerment that we can actually know what Love is… this is what will shift the world fully over onto the "good" side of the fence.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Take off the colored glasses, pull open the curtains and

take a look what's really outside your own personal matrix…

It's too easy to accept and believe what we're told without checking it out for ourselves… 

If you don't think that's true, take a look around you at all the highly emotional interchanges between people about stuff because of semantics, spiritual orientation, politics or television shows which just doesn't matter in the Long Run or the Big Picture. 

And it seems to me that what matters to some people is often determined by the ones out there with the biggest advertising budget and the canniest spin doctors! Then there are the sweet talkers who really don't know how to walk it…