Monday, December 10, 2018

Letting go of fear and embracing hope...

I wanted to write something uplifting and encouraging in light of this year’s events… And all I can say is that we can and will continue to hold the Light, keep our spirits up, look for the good, grab hold of the Joy and hang on for all we’re worth. However, on top of all of that, or actually underneath all of that, is the fear

Many are afraid of the men we have in power over us right now in our country. Many, like me, grew up with a man, or men, wielding power over us and enforcing that power with
fists, death threats and mental, emotional, spiritual and even sexual abuses… controlling through fear...

I grew up with a man very much like Mr. Trump. A strangely charismatic bully, a verbal abuser, disrespectful of not only women but of all other people who were not him. Someone who believed he was superior to all others and therefore above the law... 

We are afraid, yes... however my intuition keeps telling me that all will be well in the end, so I rise above this moment of fear and embrace hope, knowing that my intuition has proven itself trustworthy many times before now.
So, letting go of fear and embracing hope through “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
Yep, it will be a s***-storm, then in the end, if we can but hold the Light and hang onto Hope with a higher perspective, all will be well.


The perfect image is from this interesting site  -