Saturday, August 25, 2018

We choose the quality and the content of our own life and create our own personal landscape

Through taking responsibility for our life, in owning that we are the creators of our life, and recognizing that whatever our parents did or didn't do for us, it is up to us to make it into the life we want, we are empowering ourselves for wholeness.

We must do this with compassion for ourselves and others, without blame or shame. Knowing that if our life and inner landscape are not what we want them to be, we have the power within ourselves to make it different.  Accepting ourselves as we are, where we are, is the first step in embracing and empowering our own life.

We must do this for ourselves first, because it is through this personal empowerment that we can actually know what Love is… this is what will shift the world fully over onto the "good" side of the fence.