Monday, January 26, 2015

Dehydrated & Undernourished Brains Malfunction!

Most people are walking around being vitamin deficient and dehydrated, No wonder their brains are not working right... A brain needs to be fed and watered properly and regularly!

How can someone possibly expect to be all they can be, to be the clearest and happiest and brightest it is possible for them to be if they do not care for their absolutely fabulous and wonderful central processing unit to the best of their ability? 
Junk food & caffeine are NOT brain food!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

It's all about Perspective… 'bout Perspective… 'bout Perspective…

A person's individual view of the world determines their personal experience of the world… 

If one looked through a gray stained-glass window one would see a world that is various depths of gray, apparently lifeless… 

It is the same when someone looks through their own negative filters; they will see a world that is various depths of negative, apparently loveless… 

Sometimes what it takes is some determination, Windex and elbow grease…

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Are we there yet?

People ask "where am I supposed to go, where am I supposed to be, what am I supposed to do, who am I?" 

If they would just stop asking 'why' questions and start 'Being' the answer, they would know if they are there or not... 

If they are not there, they are not there, and they have a bit more 'Being' to do before they will get there.